Discovering The Ten Remote Islands in Atlantic Ocean: Cabo Verde

Sal Island in Cabo Verde

Cabo Verde Archipelago: A Remote Island to Discover in the North Atlantic Ocean

If you haven’t heard about Cape Verde or Cabo Verde Archipelago, It’s now your chance to see some more information and hopes to help
you decide to take a vacation on this beautiful Island in the eastern part of the North Atlantic Ocean.

To know more about Cabo Verde, the Republic of Cabo Verde is a small nation consisting of ten islands off the coast of the West African continent. 

These islands are volcanic in origin and formed by layers of lava reaching out over the ocean. 

The largest island is Sao Vicente, which is almost 350 miles long and more than 150 miles wide. 

There are 10 inhabited islands that makeup Cape Verde, but only five are populated by people who live primarily off agriculture and

The other five islands have too little freshwater and have only small populations working mainly in tourism and services. 

Know More About the Atlantic Ocean

We all know the vastness of the Atlantic Ocean.

The Atlantic Ocean is the second largest of the world’s oceans, with an area of about 106,460,000 square kilometers (41,100,000
sq mi). 

It covers approximately 20% of Earth’s surface and about 28% of its water surface area. 

The Atlantic Ocean occupies an elongated basin extending longitudinally between Eurasia and Africa to the east.

North America and South America to the west; and northern Africa and Europe on its north-south axis. 

It has a maximum depth of about 8,000 m (26300 ft; deeper than Mount Everest) at Puerto Rico Trench in the Caribbean Sea.

Cabo Verde is located in the North Atlantic Ocean

If you’re wondering where Cabo Verde is? 

It is located in the North Atlantic Ocean, a group of islands that form an archipelago. 

Sailors often call it North or South if a certain location of an archipelago is north or south of the equator or Latitude 0

Cape Verde has a high elevation, which makes it one of the most mountainous countries in the Atlantic Archipelagic Islands.

Cabo Verde is an independent republic with its own government and currency. 

The official languages are Portuguese (Cape Verdean Creole) and Crioulo de Cabo Verde (a dialect of Portuguese).

The official currency is the Cape Verdean escudo, which is divided into 100 centavos. 

The country has a population of over 500,000 (2008 estimate), and its capital city is Praia.

How is the Climate in Cabo Verde?

The climate on these islands is hot and humid all year round with temperatures ranging from 21 degrees Celsius (70 F) to 30
degrees Celsius (86 F). 

The rainfall averages about 2 meters per year but can vary considerably between seasons or even within a single day depending on your
location within the archipelago.

The archipelago is home to a number of endemic species, including the Azores Bullfinch and the Azores Moorhen. 

The islands have a rich history, with evidence of human settlement dating back several thousand years. 

They were first discovered by Portuguese explorers in the 14th century and became an important stopover point on trading routes between Europe and America. 

The largest island is Sao Vicente, which is almost 350 miles long and more than 150 miles wide. 

It’s home to about 65% of the population of Cape Verde and has a population of about 150,000 people.

Cabo Verde is an archipelago made up of 10 islands, nine volcanic in origin and one limestone mountain that juts out from
the ocean floor (Santo Antao). 

The other nine islands are Santa Luzia; Santo Antao; Sao Nicolau; Sao Vicente; Santiago; Fogo; Brava and Porto Novo–all
volcanic in origin except for the last two which are limestone mountains rising from deep-sea trenches offshore into what appears as small islands but are actually extensions from larger land masses submerged beneath them! 

How Many Islands in Cabo Verde Are Populated?

Out of the 10 inhabited islands that make up Cape Verde, but only five are populated by people who live primarily off agriculture
and fishing. 

The other five islands have too little fresh water and have only small populations working mainly in tourism and services.

Cape Verde has a population of just over 500,000 people. 

Of these, about 70% live on Santiago Island (also known as San Tiago), where they grow bananas and coffee beans as well as
raise cattle for milk products like cheese or yogurt.  

Most families also raise chickens or ducks for eggs–or both!

The other five islands have too little fresh water and have only small populations working mainly in tourism and services


Salinas View

The other five islands have too little fresh water and have only small populations working mainly in tourism and services. 

These are Santa Luzia, Sal, Boa Vista, Maio and Sao Nicolau.

They are much smaller than Sao Vicente, more mountainous, and less populated with only around 10 000 inhabitants each (except
for Santa Luzia which has about 15 000).

The island of Sao Vicente is the largest in the Cape Verde archipelago. It has a population of about 82 000 inhabitants and
covers an area of 914 km². 

The capital city, Mindelo, is also the largest city in Cape Verde with about 30 000 inhabitants. 

The northern coast consists of many bays and sandy beaches, you can enjoy swimming in the natural pool of Buracona where there’s a small bay in the northwest of the island, while the southern part has steep cliffs and rocky shores.

Buracona Pool


What is the Seasonal Weather in Cabo Verde?

The climate in Cabo Verde is tropical marine and humid with little seasonal variation; however, there are distinct wet and dry

The dry season lasts from December to May while the rainy season covers June through November.

During this time, you can expect temperatures to average 82 F (28 C) with humidity levels of around 90%. 

This means that you’ll be sweating a lot!

The dry season lasts from December to May when humidity decreases slightly but temperatures remain high at about 85 F (29 C).

The dry season lasts from December to May when humidity decreases slightly but temperatures remain high at about 85 F (29 C). 

This is the best time to visit Cape Verde because you’ll have plenty of sun and great weather, but not so hot that it’s

The water temperature in the Atlantic Ocean is also very comfortable during the dry season, making it ideal for swimming or scuba

The rainy season lasts from June to November and is the least popular time to visit Cape Verde since the weather can be

However, many people like this season because it provides a chance to experience a different side of Cape Verde and its

The rainy season lasts from June through November when temperatures average 82 F (28 C) and humidity levels are high at about 90 percent.

The rainy season lasts from June through November when temperatures average 82 F (28 C) and humidity levels are high at about 90

The rest of the year is dry, with an average temperature of 74 F (23 C). 

However, this does not mean that you should avoid visiting Cape Verde during its summer months: the sun is at its strongest then
and there’s plenty to do when it isn’t raining!

Cape Verde is a great destination for beach lovers, with over 300 miles (482 km) of coastline to choose from. 

The best beaches are located in Sal and Boa Vista, where you can enjoy the warm waters and beautiful sand dunes. 

If you’re looking for something more adventurous, head inland to hike in mountains that reach up to 2,000 feet (610 m).

Plan a Cruise to Cabo Verde!

If you’re planning to take a cruise to Cabo Verde, here’s what you need to know:

  • The best time of year to visit is between May and October.
  • The weather will be warm but not too hot, so pack light clothes that can be
    layered or removed as needed. Lightweight fabrics such as cotton, linen, and silk are ideal for the climate. Bring an umbrella for rainy days!
  • If exploring the capital city of Praia is on your agenda then don’t forget your camera–the architecture there is stunningly beautiful and
  • Check flight availability now and book in advance, you can check up to a year ahead.
  • You may also like to take a look at hostels, hotels, resorts, Airbnb, Klook Travel, and lodges where you can stay for a week’s vacation on this remote inhabited island in the Atlantic Ocean.




We hope you’ve enjoyed learning about Cabo Verde, the remote island in the North Atlantic Ocean. 

If you’re looking for an adventure vacation with plenty of sunshine and beautiful beaches, then this may be just what you

So what are you waiting for? 

Start preparing your travel documents to Cape Verde now and prepare your travel accessories for Island hopping, Beach, and possible trekking adventures.

Thank you for visiting our site and exploring the world of travel with us. We hope that our travel guides and tips have inspired you to take the leap and embark on your own adventure. Keep in mind that traveling is about more than just seeing new places – it’s about immersing yourself in different cultures, trying new foods, and meeting new people. So go out there and make memories that will last a lifetime. Safe travels!

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