The Hidden Treasure of South Atlantic

St Helena Guide

Hi guys!

Welcome to our follow-up post about the hidden treasure of the South Atlantic, the Island of  St Helena.

Are you looking for a unique and off-the-beaten-path destination?

Look no further and turn your head to the South Atlantic Ocean!

What I am talking about is one of the most remote islands in the Atlantic.  St Helena is located in the South Atlantic Ocean. In this blog, we’re going to talk about St Helena and without further ado, Let’s dive in.

Discover the Hidden Treasure of the South Atlantic: A Friendly Guide to Traveling to St Helena (Episode 2)

This remote and little-known island offers a unique wealth of natural beauty, rich history, and exciting activities that are sure to make your trip one to remember. But why should you choose St Helena for your next vacation? Allow me to convince you with this comprehensive guide to traveling to this hidden treasure of the South Atlantic.

The Journey: Embark on a One-of-a-Kind Adventure to Reach St Helena

One of the things that set St Helena apart from other destinations is the journey to get there. The only two quick ways to reach the island are by boat or plane. The RMS St Helena, a royal mail ship, departs from Cape Town, South Africa once a month, and the journey takes five days. 

This may sound daunting, but the experience of sailing on this historic ship and the sense of adventure it brings is truly worth it. On the other hand, for those who want a quicker trip, there are flights scheduled to St Helena that depart every Saturday from Johannesburg, South Africa, operated by SA Airlink, taking around five hours.

Either way, the journey to St Helena is a unique experience that sets the tone for an unforgettable vacation.

Planning Your Trip: Maximize Your Time on the Island with These Planning Tips

Once you’ve decided on your mode of transportation, it’s time to plan your itinerary. St. Helena may be a small island, but there is plenty to see and do. From hiking in the rugged mountains to exploring the island’s rich cultural heritage, the options are

However, it’s important to prioritize what you want to see and do to make the most of your time on the island. The best time to visit St Helena is from October to March when the weather is mild and sunny. 

So, it’s best to start looking for early booking deals as early as now going to this beautiful Island. During these months, you’ll be able to enjoy the island’s beautiful landscapes and outdoor activities without being too hot.

However, keep in mind that the island can be quite windy, so it’s always a good idea to pack a windbreaker.

Accommodations and Transportation: Experience St Helena’s Charm with These Lodging and Transportation Options

When it comes to accommodations, St Helena offers a range of options, from guesthouses and B&Bs to self-catering apartments and hotels. For a true taste of island life, consider staying at a guesthouse, where you’ll have the opportunity to interact with locals and get a sense of what it’s like to live on St Helena. 

But, If you’re looking for something more luxurious, there are also a number of hotels and resorts on the island that offer high-end amenities and services.  You can search for hotels and even available flights at any online travel Agency like,  Klook Travel,, and WayAway.

As for transportation, the island is small enough to easily explore on foot or by bike. However, to see more of the island’s remote areas, consider renting a car or taking a tour. Taxis are also available, and it’s easy to flag one down when you need one.

What to See and Do: Explore St Helena’s Natural and Cultural Treasures

Rocky Coast Line of St Helena

Now that you’ve planned your trip and sorted out your accommodation and transportation, it’s time to start the exploration. St Helena has a wealth of natural and cultural sights to discover, and you’ll never be at a loss for something to do.

Here are just Examples of the Hidden Beauty of St. Helena

Napoleon’s House: This is the place where Napoleon Bonaparte was exiled in 1815, after his defeat at the Battle of Waterloo. Today, it’s a museum that tells the story of Napoleon’s life on St Helena.

The Museum of St Helena  is located in Jamestown, this museum offers a great overview of the island’s history and culture. You’ll learn about the island’s role in the slave trade, as well as its significance as a stopover point for ships traveling between Europe and Asia.

There are several hiking trails to explore, as well as a visitors’ center where you can learn more about the park’s history and ecology. 

Sandy Bay: This beautiful sandy bay is located on the island’s west coast and is a great spot for swimming and sunbathing. Keep in mind that the beach can be quite windy, so it’s a good idea to bring a windbreaker.

High Knoll Fort: This historical site offers great views over the island and is a great spot to learn more about St Helena’s military history. In addition to these sights, St Helena also offers a range of outdoor activities, such as hiking, swimming, and wildlife watching.

There are also several festivals and events that take place on the island throughout the year, such as the St Helena Day festival and the St Helena Carnival.

High Fort Knoll of St Helena

Staying Safe and Healthy: Enjoy Your Trip Without Worrying About Safety and Health

St Helena is a relatively safe destination, but for your own sake,  it’s always a good idea to take precautions to ensure your safety. Keep in mind that the island is quite remote, and emergency services may not be as readily available as they are in more developed destinations. 

It’s essential to have travel insurance and to know the location of the nearest medical facilities. When it comes to staying healthy, it’s essential to drink plenty of water and wear sunscreen to protect yourself from the sun. 

You may want to visit our related post about the essential travel accessories that you may consider purchasing online. The island has a relatively mild climate, but it can get quite hot, especially during the summer months. 

Additionally, since the island is quite remote, it’s always a good idea to bring any necessary medications with you, as some drugs may not be available on the island.

The Hidden Treasure of the South Atlantic Awaits You 

St Helena is a unique and beautiful destination that offers visitors a chance to experience a diverse array of activities and sights. By embarking on a one-of-a-kind journey to reach the island, planning your itinerary, and staying in comfortable accommodations, you’ll be able to fully immerse yourself in the island’s natural and cultural treasures. 

Whether you’re interested in history, nature, or outdoor activities, St Helena has something to offer everyone.  Additionally, with appropriate planning and precautions, you’ll be able to enjoy your trip without worrying about safety or health. 

So why wait? Book your trip to St Helena today and discover the hidden Treasure of the South Atlantic for yourself.

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